VCG1 (14880)
VCG1 (14880)
DC270 (13599)
FSA25 (13784)
FSA24 (13783)
DC46 (3341)
DC307 (14683)
XCB9 (10921)
POO30 (8259)
This fish has been previously frozen.
FS24 (8127)
DC118 (7556)
DC287 (14088)
XCH71 (8286)
XCH69 (8284)
XNUT1 (10875)
XCH97 (10834)
SPI38 (10886)
Previously frozen
FSCD (7948)
Shortlisted for Best Sweet Biscuits, Snacks & Cakes at the BOOM Awards 2019.
BIS42 (8502)
SPI33 (8049)
FPRA2 (14572)
CLEM6 (6961)
Serves 2
FSA27 (14800)
FLOB4 (14809)
MD06 (13917)
MD08 (13919)
BROBA (14994)
SHALL (1477)
MP145 (13205)
HMI30 (460)
KALET (7747)
BAG01 (11781)
Winner of 1 star at Great Taste Awards 2024
MP112 (10546)
WSOU5 (12753)
BAG02 (11782)
MHON4 (10512)
OBAG3 (12600)
BEETC (4043)
MV31 (14868)
BIS52 (10660)
PIC25 (14567)