Grilled Fish Kebabs with Sorrel & Walnut Salsa Verde

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Serves2 people
Grilled Fish Kebabs with Sorrel & Walnut Salsa Verde

Sorrel has a zesty flavour, a bit like citrusy spinach. Its freshness makes it the perfect match for toasted walnuts and fiery chilli in this recipe for quick and easy fish kebabs with green sauce.


  • 50g walnut halves
  • A large handful of sorrel
  • A handful of mint leaves
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 chilli
  • 340g fish pie mix
  • 1 red pepper

Prep: 15 mins | Cook: 15 mins

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1. If you're using wooden skewers, put them in a dish or glass of water and set aside to soak. This will help stop them catching and burning when you grill the kebabs.
2. Tip the walnuts into a dry frying pan set over a medium heat. Toast for 2 mins, shaking the pan every so often, till the nuts have browned. Tip them onto a chopping board and leave to cool for 1-2 mins, then finely chop them. Scoop them into a mixing bowl.
3. Finely chop the sorrel and mint leaves and add to the walnuts. Finely grate in the lemon zest. Squeeze in the juice from half the lemon. Halve the chilli. Scoop out the seeds and white pith (or leave them in if you prefer more heat), then finely chop the chilli and add to the bowl. Add a pinch of salt and pepper and stir everything together. This is your sorrel & walnut salsa verde.
4. Heat your grill to high. Halve the pepper and scoop out the seeds and white bits. Chop into chunks around 2cm across. Pop the pepper chunks in a dish with the fish pie mix. Add a drizzle of olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper. Turn to mix.
5. Thread the pepper and fish pieces onto skewers, alternating them as you go. Lay the fish and pepper skewers on a rack in a grill pan or on a baking tray. Grill the skewers for 8-10 mins, turning once or twice, till the fish is opaque and cooked through. Serve the kebabs with the salsa verde, cooked couscous, rice or bulgar wheat, and a green salad.
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