Cheesy Mushroom & Cavolo Nero Soufflé Omelette

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Serves2 people
Cheesy Mushroom & Cavolo Nero Soufflé Omelette

A light and rich soufflé omelette (soufflomelette?) made with organic British eggs and creamy yogurt folded through a delicious jumble of nutty chestnut mushrooms, sharp cheddar and earthy cavolo nero. Served in all its fluffy glory with a side of boiled potatoes and peppery rocket.


  • 500g potatoes
  • 200g chestnut mushrooms
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 2 shallots
  • A handful of thyme, leaves only
  • 100g cavolo nero
  • 100g cheddar
  • 100g yogurt
  • 4 eggs
  • 50g rocket
  • Sea salt
  • Freshly ground pepper
  • 2 tbsp olive oil

Prep: 20 mins | Cook: 20 mins

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1. Fill a large pan with water and bring to the boil. Scrub the potatoes clean and slice into bite-size chunks. When the water is boiling, slide the potatoes in with a good pinch of salt. Pop a lid on the pan and simmer the potatoes for 15 mins till they're tender when pressed with a fork.
2. Meanwhile, slice the mushrooms. Peel and crush or finely chop the garlic. Peel the shallots and finely slice. Pick the thyme leaves off their stalks. Slice any really thick pieces of stalk out of the cavolo nero leaves then roughly shred the leaves.
3. Pour 1 tbsp oil into a large frying pan and warm on a high heat for 2 mins. Slide in the mushrooms and cook for 5 mins, stirring occasionally, till golden round the edges. Reduce the heat slightly and add the shallots, garlic and thyme. Cook for a further 3 mins, then stir in the cavolo nero leaves. Cook for 2 more mins, till the leaves are wilted.
4. While the mushrooms are cooking, grate the cheddar and slide into a large bowl. Measure out 100g yogurt and stir in. Crack in the eggs and add a good pinch of salt and pepper. Whisk well till the eggs are frothy.
5. Pour the egg mixture into the mushroom and cavolo nero pan and quickly stir to evenly distribute. Reduce the heat to low and cover the pan with a lid (or a baking tray). Cook for 10 mins, or till the eggs are fluffy and just set.
6. When the potatoes are tender and cooked, drain and allow to steam dry. Toss into a bowl and pour in 1 tbsp oil and a little salt and pepper. Stir a little to combine.
7. Tip the omelette onto a plate and serve with the potatoes and a handful of rocket leaves.
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