Mojito Chicken with Nectarine Salsa

Cooking time
Serves2 people
Mojito Chicken with Nectarine Salsa

Inspired by the classic Cuban cocktail, this dish muddles mint and lime together to make a zingy marinade for fillets of organic chicken, served with a sweet-spicy salsa of juicy nectarines and fresh chilli and orange-scented couscous on the side.


  • 1 onion
  • 1 lime
  • A large handful of mint, leaves only
  • 2 chicken breasts, skinless & boneless
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 orange
  • 1 tsp coriander seeds
  • 2 nectarines
  • 1 red chilli
  • 150g wholewheat cous cous
  • 3½ tbsp olive oil
  • Freshly ground pepper
  • Sea salt
  • 175ml boiling water

Prep: 20 mins | Cook: 15 mins

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1. Peel and roughly chop the white onion. Zest and juice the lime. Put the zest to one side. Chop half the mint leaves. Whizz the onion, chopped mint and lime juice in a blender with 1 tbsp oil. No blender? Finely chop the onion and mint mix with the lime juice and oil. Season with pepper.
2. Place the chicken breasts between 2 sheets of greaseproof paper. Bash with a rolling pin to a thickness of about 1cm. Prick all over with a fork and lay in a non-metallic bowl. Massage the minty purée into the chicken and set aside.
3. Peel and dice the red onion and place in another non-metallic bowl. Zest the orange and set aside. Squeeze the orange juice over the onion. Stir in a pinch of salt. Leave to soak.
4. Toast 1 tsp coriander seeds in a dry frying pan for 1 min or so, till they smell aromatic and pop. Tip into a mortar and pestle and grind (or use a bowl and the end of a rolling pin or jam jar). Mix with the orange zest, 2 tbsp olive oil and some salt and pepper. Set aside.
5. Halve the nectarines and scoop out the stones. Finely chop them. Halve the chilli and flick out the seeds. Dice the finely. Mix the nectarines, lime zest and chilli together. Set the nectarine salsa to one side.
6. Heat a griddle pan brushed with ½ tbsp oil for 2 mins. Brush any excess marinade off the chicken breasts. Place them on the griddle. Cook for 6-8 mins on a fairly high heat, turning once, till the chicken is cooked through, with no pink remaining. Season with a little salt.
7. While the chicken cooks, place the couscous in a heatproof bowl. Add 175ml boiling water and cover with a plate. Leave to soak. When ready to serve, uncover and fluff up the couscous with a fork. Fork the coriander and orange zest mixture through it.
8. Drain the orange juice from the red onion into the couscous and stir the onion into the nectarine salsa. Serve the chicken with the cous cous and salsa, scattered with the remaining mint leaves.
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