BBQ Cauliflower Steaks & Chimichurri Sauce

Serves6-8 people

Steaks for veggies? Sign me up. Char these chunky cauliflower steaks on the barbecue and serve them with plenty of chimichurri, a sharp green Argentinian herb sauce that adds spicy, herby zing to this vegan barbecue treat.

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  • 2 large cauliflowers
  • 1 lemon
  • A few glugs of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tsp honey (optional)
  • Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 chilli
  • A big handful of mint, leaves only
  • A big handful of oregano, leaves only
  • A big handful of flat leaf parsley
  • A splash of red wine vinegar

Prep: 20 mins | Cook: 15-20 mins

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1. If you’re cooking on a barbecue, make sure your barbecue is lit 1-2 hrs beforehand, so the coals are glowing white when you’re ready to put the cauliflower steaks on the grill.
2. Pull the leaves off the cauliflowers and slice the bottoms so they stand up flat. Slice each cauliflower into 4-6 thick steaks, around 1½-2cm thick each. Save the smaller florets at the edge of each cauliflower for salads or dipping in sauces.
3. Zest and juice the lemon. Whisk the lemon zest and juice with a glug of olive oil, the honey, (if you’re using it) and some salt and pepper. Put the sauce to one side. Add the cauliflower steaks. Turn them over a few times to coat them in the oil. Leave to marinate while you make the chimichurri sauce.
4. Peel and very finely chop the garlic. Halve the chilli. Scoop out the seeds and white bits. Finely chop it.
5. Pick the leaves off a big handful of mint and oregano sprigs. Put them on a chopping board with a big handful of flat leaf parsley, stalks and all. Put the end of your knife on the board and use rocking motions to very finely chop the herbs.
6. Mix the garlic, chilli and herbs together in a bowl. Add a splash of red wine vinegar – try 1 tbsp to start – and a splash of oil. Season and stir. Keep adding oil and little splashes of vinegar till you have a loose, herby sauce. This is your chimichurri sauce.
7. When your coals are glowing white, lay the cauliflower steaks on the grill. Cook for around 10 mins or till the cauliflower steaks are charred underneath – you want the steaks cook as well as char. Brush them with more of the oil and turn them over. Cook for another 5-10 mins or so till they are charred on both sides and cooked through but still nice and firm.
8. Serve the steaks with the chimichurri sauce and some salad leaves on the side.
9. Take It Indoors
If the weather isn’t playing ball and you can’t get that barbecue lit, roast the cauliflower steaks on a baking tray in the oven at 200°C/Fan 180°C/Gas 6 for 20-30 mins, turning halfway through cooking.
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