Welsh Cawl

Cooking time
Serves4 people
Welsh Cawl

This is a slow cook number so for the most part, you can leave it to do its thing while you do yours. It's a comforting, warming Welsh stew, perfect for a wintry evening (and for using up your root veg).

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  • 400g lamb neck fillets or lamb scrag
  • Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
  • A few spoonfuls of plain white flour
  • A glug of olive oil
  • 4 large potatoes, peeled and cubed
  • 4 carrots, peeled and cubed
  • 2 handfuls of diced winter roots (turnips*, parsnips, swede, celeriac)
  • 2 leeks**
  • A few sprigs of thyme
  • A few good splashes of Worcestershire sauce

*Don’t worry about peeling these beauts. Just give ‘em a scrub. Trim the tops and dice. **If you don’t have leeks, just use onions instead. Cut into chunks and add with the root veg.

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1. Season the lamb. Coat it in flour. Lightly fry in a large pot till browned. Add 2 litres of water. Brinig to the boil. Lower heat. Simmer.
2. Add the potatoes, carrots and root veg to the pan. Simmer for 2-3 hours, or till the meat is fall-apart tender. Overnight (or start in the morning for that night’s dinner) in a slow cooker is ideal.
3. Twenty minutes before serving, chop the leeks and add to the pan. Finish with a good few splashes of Worcester sauce (taste as you add it).
4. Top up salt and pepper levels, if needed. Shred the meat or chop, if it needs breaking up, and mix through. Remove the bones and excess fat, if using scrag. Finish with some fresh thyme leaves.
5. Delicious with warm crusty bread and cheddar cheese.
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