Japanese Miso Beef Noodles with Stir Fried Veg

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Serves2 people
Japanese Miso Beef Noodles with Stir Fried Veg

Strips of organic beef soak up the tangy umami-ness of brown rice miso and toasty sesame in this flavour-packed stir-fry, filled with fresh seasonal veg and a thick tangle udon noodles.


  • A thumb of ginger
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 level tbsp brown rice miso
  • 1 tbsp tamari
  • 250g beef stir-fry strips
  • 1 leek
  • 1 carrot
  • 200g chestnut mushrooms
  • 100g cavolo nero
  • 100g udon noodles
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil
  • Sea salt
  • ½ tbsp olive, sunflower or coconut oil
  • 100ml boiling water
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1. Put a large pan of salted water on to boil. Peel the ginger and grate it into a medium-sized dish or bowl. Peel and grate in the garlic (or crush it and add it to the bowl). Measure out 1 level tbsp brown rice miso and add to the bowl with 1 tbsp tamari (keep the rest of the tamari for later).
2. Stir the miso mix together to make a marinade. Add the beef stir-fry strips and stir to coat them in the marinade. Set aside to soak while you prepare the veg.
3. Trim the root and top 3cm off the leek. Slice a cross into the top of it, open it out and rinse out any grit. Finely slice it. Peel and slice the carrot into batons about as long as your little finger. Thickly slice the mushrooms. Trim the dry ends off the cavolo nero, then finely shred the leaves.
4. The water should be boiling by now. Add the udon noodles, bring the pan back to a simmer and cook for 8 mins.
5. While the noodles simmer, put a wok or deep frying pan on a high heat and warm it for 2 mins. Add ½ tbsp oil and the beef stir-fry strips (keep any marinade left in the dish for later). Stir fry for 3-4 mins till the beef has browned. Scoop out of the wok and set aside on a clean plate.
6. Add the leek, carrot and mushrooms to the wok. Stir fry for 5 mins till the veg look like they are starting to soften.
7. While the veg fry, check the noodles. They should be tender but still with a little bite. If they’re ready, drain them and set aside in the colander.
8. Add the beef back into the wok. Add the cavolo nero leaves. Scrape in any leftover marinade from the beef dish and pour in 100ml boiling water. Bubble for 3-4 mins to just wilt the cavolo nero.
9. Add the noodles to the wok. Tip in 1 tbsp sesame oil. Use 2 forks to pick everything up and drop it a few times to mix. Taste the noodles and sauce and add a splash more tamari if you think it needs it. Pile the noodles up in 2 warm bowls and serve.
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