Cheeky, Chilli & Fennel Pasta

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Serves4 people
Cheeky, Chilli & Fennel Pasta

Fennel is brilliantly flexible, and perfect in this ready-in-a-flash pasta dish.

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  • 300g penne
  • A few glugs of olive oil
  • 1 tin of chickpeas, drained
  • 1 fennel
  • 4 sausages*
  • 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • ½ red chilli, finely chopped (more or less to taste)
  • ½ tsp fennel seeds (optional)
  • 2 lemons
  • A handful of fresh parsley, finely chopped

*Vegetarian option: swap sausages for thinly sliced and cubed halloumi Vegan option: use chopped almonds instead.

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1. Bring a pot of salted water to the boil. Add a drop of olive oil and a pinch of salt. Add pasta and chickpeas. Cook for 10-12 mins, till pasta is to your liking.
2. Shave the fennel into wisps using a veg peeler (see our handy video Fab Ways with Fennel online). Add the fennel to the pot a minute before it’s done. Drain into a colander or sieve.
3. Pop the sausages out of their skins. Shape into little meat balls. Put the pasta pan back on the heat. In a little olive oil, cook the sausage till golden and cooked through. Add the garlic, chilli and fennel seeds. Sizzle till just soft.
4. Fold in the pasta, chickpeas, fennel, lemon juice and zest to taste. Season. Finish with parsley
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