Burns Night Mince with Horseradish Neeps & Tatties

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Serves2 people
Burns Night Mince with Horseradish Neeps & Tatties

Celebrate Burns Night with this Scottish favourite. The traditional mash of creamy neeps (swede) and tatties (potatoes) is spiced up with a dash of horseradish and comes topped with a hearty beef mince and barley sauce.

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  • 1 onion
  • 2 carrots
  • 250g beef mince
  • 1 beef stock cube
  • 75g pearl barley
  • 300g potatoes
  • 1 swede
  • A thumb of horseradish
  • 200ml crème fraîche
  • 2 leeks
  • A handful of curly leaf parsley

Prep: 20 mins | Cook: 35 mins

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1. Fill and boil your kettle. Peel and finely chop the onion. Peel and finely dice the carrots. Warm a frying pan over a medium heat. Add a splash of olive oil, then tip in the chopped veg and season with a little salt and pepper. Cook and stir for 5 mins till glossy and lightly browned.
2. Add the beef mince to the pan. Cook and stir for 4-5 mins till browned, using a wooden spoon to break up any lumps. Meanwhile, crumble the stock cube into a heatproof jug. Add 400ml hot water from the kettle and stir to dissolve.
3. Rinse the barley under cold water, then tip it into the pan with the mince. Pour in the beef stock. Stir together. Cover and simmer for 30 mins. Stir every so often.
4. While the mince cooks, peel the potatoes and chop them into chunks. Peel the swede and chop it into slightly smaller chunks. Place them into a large pan. Pour in enough hot water to cover them. Pop on a lid and bring to the boil. Simmer for 15-20 mins till soft.
5. Meanwhile, peel and finely grate the horseradish. Swirl it through the pot of crème fraîche. Season generously with salt and pepper (if you have white pepper, use that).
6. Drain the potatoes and swede. Tip back into the pan. Mash together over a low heat to cook off any excess water. Season, then stir in most of the horseradish crème fraîche, keeping a few spoonfuls back for later. Take off the heat. Cover with a lid to keep warm.
7. Trim the tops and any woody greens off the leeks. Rinse out any grit. Finely slice them. Heat a separate frying pan for 1 min, then add ½ tbsp oil and the leeks. Cook and stir for 5-6 mins till softened.
8. Taste the mince and barley. Add more salt and pepper if you think it needs it. Serve the mince with the horseradish mash, the fried leeks and a dollop of horseradish cream. Tear over some parsley leaves to garnish.
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