Steamy Globe Artichokes with Garlic Butter

Cooking time
Serves2-4 people

Artichokes are brilliant. They may look a bit daunting but try this simple recipe and you'll be sold. We even did a video to help you give you a nudge.

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  • 2 globe artichokes
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 3 black peppercorns
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 50g butter
  • A pinch of sea salt
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1. Trim the stalk.
2. Make a criss cross cut in the stalk. This helps it cook faster.
3. Pour a shallow pool of water in a pot. Add a bay leaf and a few peppercorns.
4. Pop a steamer basket on top. Add the artichokes. Cover.
5. Steam for 15-30 mins. The time depends on the size of your artichoke. The beauts in the photo only took 15 mins to steam through.
6. Test to see if they're done by probing the base with the pointy end of a knife - when it's tender, it's done.
7. Remove from the steamer. Let it cool a bit while you whip up a garlic butter to dip the artichoke leaves in.
8. Just finely chop a small clove of garlic. Melt a lump of butter with the garlic and a pinch of salt. That's it.
9. To eat, strip off the leaves and nibble the sort of meaty bits at the end of each leaf - its the pale bit. Use your teeth to scrape it off. Make sure you dip it in butter first.
10. Once you get to the centre, scrape out the fuzzy choke. Quarter the heart. Dunk in butter and devour. It's bloomin' nice!
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