Pickled Pears

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Vegans Gluten-free diets

Pickle pears to make the season last till festive time. It goes excellently with Christmas leftovers: Stilton, ham, roast turkey, and more.

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  • • 500g sugar
  • • 1 ltr cider vinegar
  • • 1 cinnamon stick
  • • 5 slices of fresh ginger, peeled
  • • ½ tsp black peppercorns
  • • 3 slices of lemon, plus a squeeze of juice
  • • 6 smallish pears
  • • 2 sprigs of fresh rosemary

*Don’t use lids that are fully metal on the inside as the vinegar corrodes them. Glass kilner or coated lids are best. **Copper and aluminium pans give the chutney a metallic taste, so use a stainless steel one or a pan with a non-reactive coating.

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1. Simmer and stir sugar, vinegar and spices in a large, non-reactive** saucepan over low heat, till sugar dissolves.
2. Add lemon slices and juice to a bowl of water. Peel the pears. Place in the water as you go to keep them from browning.
3. Add peeled pears to the vinegar mix. Stir. Skim off and discard any foam as it cooks.
4. Once the pears are tender and opaque (about 15 mins), spoon them into jars. Tuck in the lemon slices and rosemary sprigs.
5. Pop the vinegar syrup back on the hob. Boil till reduced a bit (about 5 mins). Pour over the pears, up to the top. Spoon in the spices. Seal while warm.
6. Store in a dark, cool place for up to 6 months (you can eat them sooner, if you like).
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