Pear, Avocado & Ginger Thickie Smoothie

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Serves2 people
Vegetarians Vegans
Pear, Avocado & Ginger Thickie Smoothie

This smooth operator gets its velvety creaminess from cool avocado and a splash of brown rice drink, whizzed with sweet pears, juicy orange segments and a spicy slice of fresh ginger to make a super refreshing eye-opener of a shake.

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  • 1 avocado
  • 2 pears
  • 1 cm slice of ginger
  • 1 orange
  • 330ml brown rice drink
  • A few ice cubes
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1. Have the avocado and remove the stone. Scoop the avocado flesh out into your blender. Cut the pears into quarters and slice out the cores. Add the pears to the blender.
2. Cut a 1cm slice of ginger, then peel and grate it in. Squeeze in the juice from the orange.
3. Pour in 330ml brown rice drink. Add a handful of ice cubes to the blender and whizz till smooth, then pour the smoothie into glasses and serve.
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I tried this recipe today, wanting to find a good way to use avocado in a smoothie. My initial reaction to it was that it was pretty mild and pleasant, refreshing with the ginger and orange coming through quite subtly, and creamy with a little hint of sweetness. I tasted the brown rice milk separately and really liked it: tasted rather like rice cereal, sweet and with that very definite rice taste. The avocado began to react with the ginger after a few minutes however, making the smoothie taste a little bitter. I do find this is always an issue with avocado in smoothies, it becomes quite strong tasting and can make the smoothie a little bit bitter. I tried to remedy this by adding a date and some spinach (as I love date, spinach, pear and ginger smoothies). This helped a bit, but the bitterness began to come through even stronger after another few minutes. I didn't like it. and ended up only drinking the rest so as not to waste it. I think I'll just use the yummy avocado in food and s