- 300g beetroot
- 75g brown rice
- 1 orange
- 2 bay leaves
- 25g pine nuts
- 1 tbsp cumin seeds
- 150g Greek style yogurt
- 100g baby chard
- 4 tbsp cold water
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- Sea salt
- Pan with lid
- Foil
- Baking paper
- 1.
Line a casserole dish or heavy-based frying pan with a double layer of foil large enough to hang over the edges. Set it over a high heat. Add the rice and bay leaves. Use a veg peeler to strip the zest from your orange. Add it and 4 tbsp water. Loosely lay a sheet of baking paper over them all.
- 2.
Gently place the beetroot on top of the paper. Snugly fit the lid on your pan. Bring the foil up over the lid to seal it well. If you don't have a lid for your pan, then bring the foil up over the beetroot and scrunch together and place a baking tray on top of the pan.
- 3.
Keep the pan over a high heat. Once you see smoke puffing out of the sides of the pan, set your timer for 8 mins.
- 4.
Turn the heat off. Let the beetroot sit in the smoky pan for a further 5 mins. Lift the beetroot out of the pan. You can throw away the rice and aromatics (they won't be edible).
- 5.
Carefully strip the peel off the beetroot and halve them. Cut into bite-sized wedges. Pop in a bowl with the baby chard leaves.
- 6.
Juice the orange. Whisk with 2 tbsp olive oil and a pinch of salt. Toss with the baby chard and beetroot wedges.
- 7.
Set a frying pan over medium heat. Add the pine nuts. Toast for 2-3 mins till just golden. Add 1 tbsp cumin seeds. Toast for 30 secs more. Tip into a bowl. This is your dukkah.
- 8.
Arrange a big dollop of yogurt in the centre of each plate or on a platter. Arrange the dressed leaves and beetroot around it. Scatter the toasted nuts and seeds over the top to serve.