Broadward Hall Farm
Broadward Hall Farm sits just shy of the Welsh border in rural Herefordshire. This is land that’s been farmed by four generations of the Andrews family, and it’s ideally suited for leafier, organic greens like lettuce and kale.

We’ve been working with them since Colin’s son Ben was just a nipper, making them one of our longest-standing partners in the organic world. Now Ben’s all grown up and, aside from his main role as shepherd to their herd of organic Jack Russells, he mucks in with his dad to help fill your boxes with the best of British veg.

It’s not just us hungry Abel & Colers they’re looking after either. When we popped in for a visit recently, we were treated to the sight of rows upon rows of beautiful, swaying sunflowers. Planted to encourage buzzing bees and other handy pollinating insects to move in, they’ll provide valuable seed for birds over the autumn and winter too.

That’s just one small part of their commitment to farming with, rather than against, nature. Organic farmers often tell us that they don’t really own the land. They’re only looking after it for the next generation. The Andrews family really embody that philosophy – that’s what makes them our kind of people.
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