Venison Kebabs with Smokey Tzatziki
Clock Image
Prep: 20 mins
Cook: 30-35 mins
Never cooked a cucumber before? Don’t miss out. Charring it in a pan and stirring it into yogurt transforms it into a smoky dip to go with high welfare venison from Hampshire.
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See this week's box.
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337 kcal
(per portion)
Ingredients you'll need
Recipe Ingredients Image
  • ½ ridged cucumber
  • 1 garlic clove
  • A handful of dill, leaves only
  • A 150g pot of 0% fat Greek style yogurt
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 tsp cumin seeds
  • 1 tsp honey
  • A 250g pack of wild venison minute steaks
  • A large handful of baby leaf salad
From your kitchen
  • Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
  • 3 tsp olive oil
You'll need
  • Foil
  • A couple of bowls
  • Frying pan
  • Skewers
Step by step this way
  • 1.

    Heat your grill to high. Line a grill pan with foil. Chop the cucumber in half. Take one half and halve lengthways. Grill it, skin side up, for 15 mins till the cucumber is charred. Leave for 5-10 mins to cool then coarsely grate it. You’ll need the grill again for the kebabs. Turn it off while you prepare the rest.

  • 2.

    Peel and grate or crush the garlic. Finely chop the leaves from the dill. Add the cucumber, garlic and half the dill in a bowl. Swirl in the yogurt. Season. Stir to mix. Put to one side.

  • 3.

    Peel, trim and coarsely grate the carrots. Finely grate or pare the zest from the lemon. Juice it. Pop the carrots and lemon zest in a bowl with the rest of the dill.

  • 4.

    Measure out 2 tsp of the cumin seeds. Add the cumin seeds to a dry frying pan. Toast over a medium heat for 1-2 mins till they jump and pop. Add to the carrots.

  • 5.

    Measure out 1 tsp of the honey. Whisk with the lemon juice, 2 tsp olive oil and some salt and pepper. Add the dressing to the carrots. Toss to mix.

  • 6.

    Chop the venison into chunks around ½ cm big. Toss with 1 tsp olive oil and some salt and pepper. Thread onto skewers.

  • 7.

    Grill the venison for 10-15 mins. Turn every so often till the venison is browned and cooked through. Serve the venison skewers with the smoky tzatziki, the carrot salad and a handful of baby leaf salad (save the other half for your Tamarind Roast Salmon recipe).

  • Tip

    Woodn't you know it?
    If you’re using wooden skewers (four to six should do). Soak in cold water for 15 mins before threading the venison on to them to help stop them catching and burning when the kebabs go under grill.

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