Tandoori Aubergines with Peach Relish
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Prep: 15 mins
Cook: 30 mins
We’ve injected the fresh taste of summer into curried aubergines with the addition of a fresh and zingy peach relish.
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628 kcal
(per portion)
Ingredients you'll need
  • 200g brown basmati rice
  • 2 aubergines
  • 1 garlic clove
  • A thumb of ginger
  • 1 chilli
  • 1 lime
  • A handful of coriander
  • 1 tbsp caster sugar
  • 3 peaches
  • 150g yogurt
  • 2 tsp mild curry powder
From your kitchen
  • 400ml boiling water
  • Sea salt
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
You'll need
  • A couple of bowls
  • Pan with lid
  • Baking tray
Step by step this way
  • 1.

    Heat your oven to 200°C/Fan 180°C/Gas 6. Tip the rice into a bowl. Cover with cold water and whisk for 1-2 mins (you can use a fork) till the water goes cloudy. Drain, rinse and tip into a small pan.

  • 2.

    Pour in 400ml boiling water. Add a pinch of salt. Cover. Bring to the boil, then turn the heat right down to low. Gently simmer for around 25 mins till the water is absorbed. Take off the heat. Set aside, with the lid on, for 5 mins to finish cooking the rice.

  • 3.

    While the rice cooks, halve the aubergines lengthways. Put on a baking tray or into a roasting tin. Score a criss-cross pattern into the flesh. Drizzle with ½ tbsp oil each. Bake for 20 mins till they’ve started to soften.

  • 4.

    While the aubergines cook, peel and grate the garlic and ginger. Halve the chilli. Flick out the seeds. Chop it. Finely grate or pare the lime zest. Juice it. Finely chop the coriander leaves. Mix the lime zest, juice, garlic, ginger, chilli and a quarter of the chopped coriander leaves together in a bowl.

  • 5.

    Halve the peaches. Pop out the stones. Chop the peaches and stir into the relish with the sugar. Taste and season with a little salt.

  • 6.

    Mix ½ pot of the yogurt with 2 tsp mild curry powder and a pinch of salt. Spoon over the aubergines. Bake for another 10 mins till golden.

  • 7.

    Stir half the remaining coriander leaves into the cooked rice. Serve with the baked aubergine, the peach relish, the rest of the yogurt and the remaining of the coriander leaves sprinkled over the top.

  • Tip

    Salad days Use any remaining curry powder to make up an Indian salad dressing. Mix 1 tsp of the curry powder with 2 tbsp lime juice, 2 tbsp olive oil and 1 tsp honey. Perfect with shredded cabbage and toasted cashews.

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