Simple - Rump & Sunsquash Mash
Clock Image
Prep: 15 mins
Cook: 30 mins
This autumnal medley of squash and cavolo nero is a burst of sun drenched flavour for dark winter days.
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See this week's box.
Recipe Box Recipe Main Image
708 kcal
(per portion)
Ingredients you'll need
Recipe Ingredients Image
  • 2 rump steaks
  • 1 butternut squash
  • A 50g pack of sun dried tomatoes
  • A 200g bag of cavolo nero
  • A handful of rosemary, leaves only
  • 2 garlic cloves
From your kitchen
  • 50ml boiling water
  • 2 tsp + ½ tbsp olive oil
  • Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
You'll need
  • Baking tray
  • Foil
  • A couple of bowls
  • Heatproof measuring jug
  • Frying pan
Step by step this way
  • 1.

    Heat your oven to 200C/190C fan/Gas 6.

  • 2.

    Cut your squash in half lengthways. Scoop out the seeds. Cut the squash into 3 cm chunks (no need to peel). Chuck on a baking tray. Wrap the unpeeled garlic cloves in a square of foil. Put next to the squash.

  • 3.

    Slide the squash into the oven and roast for 30 mins till the squash is soft. The skin will soften during roasting.

  • 4.

    Meanwhile, finely chop the sun dried tomatoes and pop in a bowl. Cover with 50 ml boiling water to soften them. Finely shred the cavolo nero.

  • 5.

    When the squash has 10 mins left to cook, rub 1 tsp oil into each steak and season. Heat a frying pan over a high heat. Carefully place each steak into the pan. Cook for 3 mins on each side for rare, 5 mins on each side for medium and 6-7 mins on each side for well done.

  • 6.

    Remove the steaks and place on a plate to rest. Cover with foil.

  • 7.

    Take the squash out of the oven and put in a bowl. Remove the garlic from the tray and use a fork to press the flesh from its skin. Add to the bowl. Add the sun dried tomatoes along with any soaking liquid. Season and mash. Cover with foil.

  • 8.

    Put the pan you cooked your steaks in back on the heat. Add ½ tbsp oil. Throw in the rosemary leaves and cavolo nero. Add a pinch of salt and fry for 3 mins. Serve with the rested steaks and sunsquash mash.

  • 9.

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