Roast Carrot Houmous & Sunflower Seed Flatbreads
Clock Image
Prep: 20 mins
Cook: 40 mins
A lesson in how to be the most popular person at the dinner table. You’ll make your own flatbreads (we’ll show you how) to go with a moreish homemade houmous.
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664 kcal
(per portion)
Ingredients you'll need
Recipe Ingredients Image
  • A 25g bag of sunflower seeds
  • 2 tsp cumin seeds
  • 6 carrots
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • A 150g pot of plain flour
  • 1 cucumber
  • A 100g pack of alfalfa sprouts
  • 1 lemon
  • A 50g sachet of Thai sweet chilli sauce
  • A 400g tin of cannellini beans
From your kitchen
  • Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
  • 1½ tbsp olive oil
  • 85ml cold water
  • 1-2 tbsp cold water (optional)
You'll need
  • Baking tin
  • Frying pan
  • Three bowls
  • Tea towel
  • Jug
  • Colander
  • Food processor (optional)
Step by step this way
  • 1.

    Heat your oven to 180°C/Fan 160°C/Gas 4. Trim and roughly chop the carrots into 3 cm rounds. Tumble into a baking tin. Scatter over some salt, 1 tsp of the cumin seeds and ½ tbsp oil. Drop in the unpeeled garlic cloves. Roast it all for 30 mins.

  • 2.

    Meanwhile, warm a frying pan over a medium heat. Spoon in 1 tsp of the cumin seeds. Toast for 2 mins till they pop and smell fragrant. Tip into a bowl and set aside.

  • 3.

    Pour the sunflower seeds into the pan. Toast for 2-3 mins till golden and nutty smelling. Place in a separate bowl. Zest and juice the lemon.

  • 4.

    Empty the flour into a bowl, reserving 1 tbsp for later. Add half the sunflower seeds and all the toasted cumin seeds with a good pinch of salt. Stir together. Drizzle in ½ tbsp oil and 85ml cold water. Bring together to form a smooth dough. Cover with a tea towel. Set aside to rest for 10 mins.

  • 5.

    Peel the cucumber into long ribbons using a veg peeler, turning the cucumber as you go. Finely chop the seeded middle. Put in a large bowl with the alfalfa sprouts. Pour the sweet chilli sauce into a jug and whisk with half the lemon zest and juice.

  • 6.

    Drain and rinse the cannellini beans. Chuck into a food processor. Spoon in the roasted carrots, cumin seeds and any roasting juices. Squeeze the garlic out of their skins and add the flesh to the processor. Add the remaining lemon juice and zest with ½ tbsp oil. Season.

  • 7.

    Pulse the bean and carrot mix till you have a rough houmous. Keep going if you prefer it a little smoother, adding 1-2 tbsp water till you reach the consistency you want. No processor? Crush with a masher – it won’t be as smooth but just as delicious.

  • 8.

    Divide the dough into four. Dust your work surface with the reserved 1 tbsp flour. Roll into rounds slightly smaller than a side plate. Warm the frying pan over a medium heat. Dry fry the flatbreads for 2 mins on each side – they should have brown spots. Toss the cucumber salad with the chilli dressing. Serve with the carrot houmous and sunflower seed flatbreads.

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