- 250g new potatoes
- 500g garden peas in the pod
- 2 spring onions
- 2 garlic cloves
- A handful of mint, leaves only
- 100g cheddar
- 6 eggs
- 1 tsp cumin seeds
- 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
- 50g sweet salad mix
- Sea salt
- Freshly ground pepper
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- Large pan with lid
- 1.
Fill and boil your kettle. Pour the hot water into a large pan, topping it up if needed, and add a pinch of salt. Cover and bring to the boil.
- 2.
Open the pea pods and pop the peas out into a bowl (see our tip on podding peas). Scrub the potatoes and cut them into 1cm-thick slices. When the water in the pan is boiling, add the potatoes and simmer for 8 mins till just tender. Add the peas and cook for 2 mins, then drain and set aside.
- 3.
While the potatoes simmer, trim the spring onions and finely slice them. Peel and finely chop or crush the garlic. Finely slice the mint leaves.
- 4.
Coarsely grate the cheddar. Crack the eggs into a mixing bowl and add a pinch of salt and pepper. Whisk with a fork to combine, then add 3/4 of the cheddar. Stir to mix. Preheat your grill to high.
- 5.
Put a deep, ovenproof frying pan on a mediumhigh heat. Add 1 tsp cumin seeds and toast for 1 min, shaking the pan, then tip out into a bowl.
- 6.
Add ½ tbsp oil and the spring onions to the pan. Fry, stirring, for 2 mins. Add the garlic and cumin seeds, cook and stir for 1 min, then stir in the mint.
- 7.
Add the potatoes and peas to the pan and stir to mix. Pour in the beaten eggs. Turn the heat down to medium and fry for 5 mins, till the edges of the frittata are set. Sprinkle over the remaining cheddar. Transfer the pan to your grill and cook for 15 mins till the frittata is set and golden brown. No ovenproof pan? See our tip below.
- 8.
While the frittata grills, whisk 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar with ½ tbsp olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper. Toss the salad leaves in the dressing.
- 9.
When the frittata is golden and set, remove it from the grill and let it cool for a few mins in the pan, then serve in wedges with the salad on the side.
- Tip
Peas in the Pod
The easiest way to pod the peas is to squeeze the pods between your fingers till they crack, then break them open and run your thumb down the pod to pull out the peas. It should take 5-10 mins to pod the peas, and you cna do it the night before (it's a nice job to do in front of the Tv or while listening the radio), then store them in the fridge covered with a damp tea towel or a couple, of sheets of damp kitchen paper. use within 24 hrs of podding. - Tip
Out of the Frying Pan
If your frying pan isn't ovenproof, follow the recipe to the end of step 6 then transfer the spring onions, garlic, mint and cumin seeds to an ovenproof dish. Add the peas and potatoes and gently stir to mix. Pour over the beaten egg and bake at 200C/Fan 180C/Gas 6 for 20-30 mins till just set.