One Pot Spaghetti with Summer Veg
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Total: 35 mins
We love a dinner that brings the flavour and saves on washing up, and this summery spaghetti dish delivers on both counts. The spaghetti is cooked in the sauce with onions, courgettes, flat beans and spinach, then finished with basil and fresh lemon – and all made in just the one pan. Veggie heaven.
This recipe is a:
293 kcal
(per portion)
Ingredients you'll need
From your kitchen
  • Sea salt
  • Freshly ground pepper
  • 800ml hot water
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • A pinch of sugar (optional)
Step by step this way
  • 1.

    Fill and boil your kettle. Peel the onion and finely chop it. Trim and dice the courgettes. Peel and finely chop or grate the garlic cloves.

  • 2.

    Slide the onion, courgettes and garlic into a large pan – a casserole dish with a lid is perfect for this recipe. Pour in the passata. Add the spaghetti (breaking it in half to fit it into the pan, if you need to) and a generous pinch of salt and pepper. Pour in 800ml hot water from your kettle and 2 tbsp olive oil. Bring to the boil, then turn the heat down to low so the pan is simmering. Pop a lid on the pan.

  • 3.

    Cook the spaghetti for 20 mins, or till al dente. Use a pair of tongs or forks to stir and separate the spaghetti strands and make sure they are covered by liquid every 10 mins.

  • 4.

    While the spaghetti is cooking, trim and chop the flat beans into chunks around 2cm long. With 5 mins of cooking time remaining, stir the beans into the pan and pop the lid back on.

  • 5.

    Meanwhile, whisk the balsamic vinegar with 1 tbsp olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper. Toss the rocket leaves in the balsamic dressing and set aside.

  • 6.

    When the pasta has absorbed the liquid and is just tender, stir through the baby leaf spinach. Tear in half the basil leaves. Squeeze in a little lemon juice. Taste and add more salt, pepper, lemon juice or a pinch of sugar, if needed. Serve straight away in warm bowls, garnished with the flaked almonds and the remaining basil leaves.

  • Tip

    Love Your Leftovers
    This spaghetti will keep in the fridge for up to 3 days or you can freeze it for up to 3 months. Simply divide it into individual portions, cool completely then freeze in freezerproof tubs. Defrost thoroughly and reheat in the microwave till piping hot.

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