- 2 garlic cloves
- 2 bay leaves
- 2 x 250g punnets of cherry tomatoes
- 1 tsp coriander seeds
- 6 whole cloves
- ½ tsp brown rice vinegar
- 1 tsp honey
- 1.
Preheat your oven to 200C/Fan 180C/Gas 6.
- 2.
Chuck your garlic cloves and bay leaves into a large roasting tin. Put the tomatoes on top. Sprinkle over a pinch of salt.
- 3.
Roast on the top shelf of your oven for 30 mins, or till the tomatoes are really squishy and getting dark round the edges.
- 4.
Swirl the coriander seeds and whole cloves through the mix. Let everything cool down.
- 5.
Set a fine mesh sieve over a bowl. Pour your cooled tomatoes, garlic and bay into the sieve.
- 6.
Use a large spoon to push and scrape the mix through the sieve. You have to push hard to get as much through as you can, so get an adult to help you.
- 7.
Put the seeds, skins and bay leaves left in the sieve into a compost bin.
- 8.
Add the vinegar and honey to your tomato mix. Tip it into a saucepan. Get an adult to help you boil the mix till it’s as thick as ketchup.
- 9.
Scoop out a spoonful of the ketchup and leave it to cool. Taste to see if you need any more honey, spices, vinegar or salt till it’s the best ketchup ever.
- 10.
Spoon into a little dish. Pop in the freezer to cool it really quickly, or in the fridge if you’re having your chips later on.
- 11.
QUIZ How do you tell the difference between a fruit and a vegetable? Fruits have seeds. Vegetable don’t. So, what does that make a tomato?
- 12.
HEALTHY A pot of this homemade ketchup has five portions of fruit in it!
- 13.
ACTIVITY Grow your own coriander Use the plastic containers your tomatoes came in as mini greenhouses to grow baby coriander leaves using the leftover seeds from your ketchup. Fill up the plastic tubs with compost or soil. Add lots of water to the compost or soil. Scatter the coriander seeds over the top – space them out a little. Dust a layer of compost or soil on top, enough to fully cover them. Pat it down with your hands. Sprinkle enough water over the top to dampen the top layer of soil. Pop the lid on your tub. Set it in a sunny place. You should see little sprouts coming up in 14 days (two weeks). Now you’re a proper gardener. Top up with water if the soil is looking dry. Add the baby coriander leaves to a tomato salad, pasta, pizza, or whatever you fancy.