Gammon Steaks with Broad Beans & Pearl Barley
Clock Image
Prep: 15 mins
Cook: 30 mins
A jewel among grains, our organic pearl barley makes a great side dish. Tonight you'll pair it with gorgeous broad beans popped from their pods and high welfare gammon steaks.
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725 kcal
(per portion)
Ingredients you'll need
Recipe Ingredients Image
  • 2 spring onions
  • A 150g bag of pearl barley
  • A 500g bag of broad beans
  • A 400g punnet of vine tomatoes
  • 1 lemon
  • A handful of chives
  • 2 gammon steaks
From your kitchen
  • 11/2 tbsp olive oil + 2 tsp
  • Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
  • 450ml boiling water
You'll need
  • Pan with a lid
  • Sieve
  • Measuring jug
  • Heatproof bowl
  • Foil
  • Frying pan
Step by step this way
  • 1.

    Trim and finely slice the spring onions. Warm 1 tbsp olive oil in a pan. Add the spring onions to the pan. Season with salt and pepper. Gently fry over a low heat for 2-3 mins till softened and golden. Stir now and then.

  • 2.

    Rinse the pearl barley. Tip it into the pan. Pour in 450ml boiling water. Turn up the heat and bring the pan to the boil. Turn the heat down, cover and simmer for 30 mins till the pearl barley is tender and the water has been absorbed.

  • 3.

    Pop the broad beans from their pods. Bring a small pan of water to the boil. Add the beans. Simmer for 2-3 mins to just cook them. Pinch them out of their grey skins (or leave them in, this bit isn't essential). Put to one side.

  • 4.

    Halve the tomatoes. Finely grate the zest from the lemon. Juice it. Finely chop the chives.

  • 5.

    Heat your grill to high. Line your grill pan with foil. Arrange the tomatoes on a rack in the grill pan. Season with salt and pepper. Grill for 5-8 mins till the tomatoes are charred and softened.

  • 6.

    While the pearl barley and tomatoes cook, warm 1 tbsp olive oil in a frying pan. Snip the fat around the gammon steaks at 1 cm intervals with scissors to stop the steaks curling up when they cook. Add the steaks to the frying pan.

  • 7.

    Fry the gammon steaks for 3-4 mins till the steaks are golden brown. Flip and cook for another 3-4 mins till the steaks are golden on both sides and cooked t Rinse the pearl barley. Tip it into the pan. Pour in hrough. Take off the heat.

  • 8.

    Stir the broad beans, lemon zest, juice and most of the chives into the pearl barley. Taste and adjust the seasoning. Serve the steaks with the pearl barley, grilled tomatoes and the rest of the chives.

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