Chicken & Cherry Salsa Salad
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Prep: 15 mins
Cook: 10 mins
A fruity chicken dinner that stars gorgeous deep red cherries. Turn them into a salsa with fresh mint and sharp Balsamic vinegar. Delicious spooned all over this salad.
This recipe is a:
529 kcal
(per portion)
Ingredients you'll need
From your kitchen
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • Sea salt and black pepper
You'll need
  • Heatproof bowl
  • Saucer or cling film
  • Small bowl
  • Baking paper
  • Rolling pin
  • Griddle or frying pan
Step by step this way
  • 1.

    Tip the couscous into a heatproof bowl. Season. Pour over enough boiling water to just cover the couscous. Cover with a saucer or cling film and set aside to steam.

  • 2.

    Cut the cherries in half, removing the stones. Roughly chop the cherries and place them in a bowl. Pour over the Balsamic vinegar and season.

  • 3.

    Roughly chop or tear the basil leaves. Add them to the bowl of cherries and stir to mix. Set aside to macerate.

  • 4.

    Trim the spring onions and cut into thin slices on the diagonal. Finely chop the mint leaves. Set them both aside.

  • 5.

    Season the chicken breast mini fillets. Lay them in between two sheets of baking paper. Use a rolling pin to lightly bash the mini fillets to flatten them to the thickness of a pound coin. Rub each with a little olive oil.

  • 6.

    Heat a frying or griddle pan. Add the mini fillets and cook for 2-3 mins on each side or till cooked through.

  • 7.

    Tear the lettuce leaves in to large pieces and place in a large serving bowl. Stir the spring onions and mint through the cous cous. Add a little seasoning.

  • 8.

    Tumble the couscous onto the lettuce leaves. Top with the griddled chicken. Spoon over the macerated cherries to serve.

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