Charred Summer Cabbage, Ricotta & Strawberry Salad
Clock Image
Prep: 15 mins
Cook: 15 mins
Call me a cabbage, I’ve got dinner to make. Griddling the cabbage gives it a warm, smokey flavour. It’s brilliant with our sweet English strawberries and creamy organic ricotta.
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395 kcal
(per portion)
Ingredients you'll need
Recipe Ingredients Image
  • A 75g bag of quinoa
  • 1 summer cabbage
  • A bunch of spring onions
  • A 225g punnet of strawberries
  • A handful of mint, leaves only
  • 2 tbsp red wine vinegar
  • 2 tsp honey
  • 4 tbsp ricotta
From your kitchen
  • 150ml boiling water
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
You'll need
  • Sieve
  • Pan with a lid
  • Measuring jug
  • Heavy-based griddle or frying pan
  • Bowl
Step by step this way
  • 1.

    Tip the quinoa into a sieve. Rinse under cold water for a couple of mins. Tip it into a pan. Pour in 150ml boiling water. Cover. Bring to the boil. Turn the heat right down. Simmer for 10-15 mins till all the water has been absorbed.

  • 2.

    Peel any loose green leaves off the cabbage so you just have the tight heart. Slice the cabbage into 6 wedges, keeping the bases intact. Rinse them.

  • 3.

    Heat a heavy-based griddle or frying pan over a medium-low heat. Add the cabbage wedges. Dry fry for 8-10 mins, turning every so often, till the cabbages are charred all over. Pop on a plate.

  • 4.

    While the cabbage chars, trim the spring onions. Slice into lengths around 2 ½ cm long. Add them to the frying pan. Fry for 2-3 mins till they’re lightly charred. Add to the cabbage.

  • 5.

    Hull the strawberries. Roughly chop them. Pick the leaves off the mint sprigs. Roughly chop any of the large leaves.

  • 6.

    Whisk together 2 tbsp red wine vinegar, 2 tsp honey and 2 tsp olive oil with some salt and pepper to make a dressing.

  • 7.

    Arrange the cabbage wedges and spring onions on a plate with the quinoa, strawberries and mint. Dollop 2 tbsp ricotta on each plate. Drizzle with the dressing. Serve straight away.

  • Tip

    It's easy being green
    If you have any leftover cabbage leaves, wrap them in kitchen paper and store in the fridge. Shred them and add to stir-fries and salads.

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