Swedes, eh? Who’d a thought they’d reach such glamorous heights! Chart toppers, innumerable times. Fancy dress parties across the country emulating their 70s style. Meryl Streep, singing on the top of a cliff. Oh, hang on. Wrong swedes.
What on earth to do with swede

Delicious Gratins
Swede is delicious in gratins. Peel. Slice into thin panels. Fry in a little oil so it starts to soften. In a buttered dish, layer with chopped garlic and cheese; Parmesan or Wyfe of Bath. Top with cream and milk, just enough to reach the top. Or use stock, or half stock, half cream. Top with breadcrumbs (and more cheese or nuts). Bake until golden and bubbly on top, 30-45 mins.
Rather Lovely Roasts
Our swedey friends (not the people this time) are delicious roasted. Peel. Cut into chunks. Warm some oil or fat (beef dripping or duck fat) until sizzling hot. Tumble the swede into the hot oil. Fold through to coat and roast till golden. Want spices? Cardamom sounds odd but really works. Cumin is good. Or, right at the end, coat with freshly chopped sage.
Swoony Smooth Operator
There’s a super recipe for swede puree in our Abel & Cole Cookbook.It’s simple: cube and boil till tender. Blitz until smooth. Add butter, cream or milk. Scrape in some vanilla pod. Done. Gorgeous with roast lamb.
Dashingly Diced & Spice
Peel and slice into panels, then dice. Fry with a pinch of salt and some oil till tender. Cover to speed things up. Then add our Bombay Potato Chiman’s spice blend.
Marvellously Mashed
Swede makes a wicked mash. We like it 50/50 with spuds. Peel, cube and boil both until tender. Mash with butter and a splash of milk.