With much excitement did our Christmas tree arrive at Veg HQ this week, and with it came a little friend to plant in our very own garden for future festivities.
Have yourself an eco little Christmas

Our rather voluptuous tree came courtesy of The Forestry Commission, sustainably sourced and given the thumbs up by the Forest Stewardship Council. The FSC see that all their certified forests are looked after with consideration for people, wildlife and the environment. Each tree that's harvested is either replaced or allowed to regenerate naturally.
So it was with great pride that we welcomed this little bundle of joy (a Norway Spruce sapling) to our home in Wimbledon. We'll plant it very soon and keep you up to date throughout the year with how it's doing. If you're still looking for a eco-friendly option for a real tree, it's well worth swinging by The Forestry Commission.

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